27 novembre 2019
CBK PAN is looking for partners in last SPACE Call under H2020
CBK PAN – Polish leading space research centre (Crisis Information Centre Department) is looking for partners to join consortia in the following topics:
LC-SPACE-18-EO-2020 Subtopic: Copernicus Emergency Monitoring Service (CEMS)
CBK PAN is closely cooperating with Government Centre for Security in this field for many years and has got great experience.
LC-SPACE-04-EO-2019: Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus services
Copernicus evolution: Mission exploitation concept for WATER. CBK PAN is closely cooperating with the Water Authority in Poland (IMGW).
During the last flood in Poland they were actively involved in the crisis management.
They can be an active partner as well in the other topics:
DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020: Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus
DT-SPACE-01-EO-2018-2020: Copernicus market uptake
DT-SPACE-06-EO-2019: International Cooperation Copernicus – Designing EO downstream applications with international partners
CBK PAN is a reliable and contributing partner.
Contact person:
Ms. Anna Kobierzycka: analecz@cbk.waw.pl