10 février 2020
Proposition de partenariat norvégien sur l'appel MG-3-6-2020
UBIQ Aerospace is looking for a consortium working with a proposal for MG-3-6-2020 Towards sustainable urban air mobility. More information on UBIQ Aerospace can be found in this document.
Verena Hachmann
Seniorrådgiver / Senior Adviser, PhD
EU NCP transport, member of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
Norges forskningsråd / The Research Council of Norway
Avdeling for transport og maritim / Transport and Maritime Industries
Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo
Direkte tlf.: ++47 220 374 08
Mobiltlf: ++47 947 87 913
Email: vha@forskningsradet.no